E-Sports News

E-Sports News

IEC esports Charity Festival

IEC esports Charity Festival

Dear friends,  Greetings from Brussels & Seoul.  The one big takeaway from our event was that there was a unanimous big positive public  reaction to our event: “Finally there will be Good Games”. The public consensus was  unanimous. IEC Global HQ with KEC / APIEC...

International Sports day – Esports

International Sports day – Esports

We all want the pandemic to end so we can get back to the things we love, for us, two of those things are sports & esports. Together we have the power to end the pandemic faster – but only if people around the world can get a vaccine. #OnlyTogether can we end the...

Why brands should enter the esports space with a purpose

Why brands should enter the esports space with a purpose

One of the biggest roadblocks for brands in understanding gaming is the audience and not subscribing to outdated stereotypes in terms of who or what comprises a gamer. The Drum finds out how brands should approach the esports space. No longer a niche interest of a few...

This sleek spaceship render is a planned esports arena in Toronto

This sleek spaceship render is a planned esports arena in Toronto

A 7,000-seat building for hosting concerts and Overwatch matches If all goes according to plan, in a few years, Toronto’s esports teams will have a futuristic new home. Today, Overactive Media — the ownership group behind the Toronto Defiant of the Overwatch League...